
Forums / Early Childhood / Where is the science?!

Early Childhood

Where is the science?!

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Karyn Wathen Karyn Wathen 145 Points

We are getting maybe 30 minutes/3 times a week for science. My kids are wanting more as do the teachers! What are some ideas that you have used that helped incorporate more into your day? 

Bola Ogunbayode Bola ogunbayode 1695 Points

That is awesome that your Kids are wanting more science. I think incoporating science into other content area and day to day activities. Have student identify the main idea and support of a non fiction book on reptiles, birds... Have student utilize their understanding of weather and seasons to figure out what the weather is. Have students write about their favorite season or weather...

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 8543 Points

I don't know what system you are in, or what you requirements you have.  But moving to a more project based approach might give you more time as the content tends to be more integrated.  You can use science as the lens of your day; just make the specifics match your curricular and operational requirements

Good luck!


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