
Forums / Elementary Science / Global Warming

Elementary Science

Global Warming

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Jose Solis Jose Solis 410 Points

As we continue to burn fossil fuels, the earth continues to get hotter. According to the United Nations, this will continue to occur at least for the next 30 years even if we stop burning fossil fuels today. 

So, when teaching about the earth and its atmospheres what ways do you think would be the best way to explain this and what tips and tricks do you think can be suggested to students to show the importance in making a change that could help save the earth we live on? 

Ethan Beck Ethan Beck 630 Points

Hi Jose,


I am a pre-service elementary education teacher who is attending their fourth and final year of college. I too think global warming is important for students to learn and I hope to give some helpful ideas. The first idea that came to my mind was showing visuals of the impact of global warming. I put a link to a lake in Bolivia that no longer exists due to warming tempratures. I think students are too young to observe the effects over a long period of time but thanks to visuals we can look at glaciers and ice caps that have melted over time. If you are talking about older students then it can be a perfect opportunity to observe how global warming has effected the climate in your community and what they have observed growing up. I am from the midwest and the winter tempratures seem to start later in december and first snowfall happens after Christmas, but when January comes the tempratures have dropped to below -20 degrees farenheit and even lower during the polar vortex in 2019. It is important that we address that global warming does not mean it is always going to be warmer but using the term climate change to show that weather is becoming more volatile not just warmer. I hope I gave some insight to your question.

Ethan Beck

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