Winter Group - November 14 campaign


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Author Post
Charlene Wetzel Charlene Wetzel 20 Points

I am looking for ideas to include on my BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS ONLINE IN GOOGLE MEETS.


What should I make sure to cover?

Cecilia Hernandez Cecilia Hernandez 2525 Points

Hello Charlene, there are many ways to set up expectations depending on the grade level you will be teaching and how much interaction you expect. There are a few really good articles on Edutopia ( as well as some that I have seen on FB groups. There is one Edutopia article that was helpful for me in planning for the online environment, 'Extending Classroom Management Online
Nine suggestions to help you provide online learners with class norms and expectations and a sense of community'. There are also some considerations for requiring students to have their camera on during instruction because of possible privacy issues, but open communication with the students and their families will go a long way in assisting with behavioral expectations. Best of luck for the school year. 


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