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Distance Learning

Virtual Experiments

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Hello everyone! Future educator here. I was just wondering how science teacher right now have made virtual science experiments work? Do they still achieve the same effective results as in person experiments? 

Jonathan Fisher Jonathan Fisher 60 Points

In short, virtual science experiments are much more limited and less engaging, and, at best, kind of like video games. On the flipside, in-person eperiments can be less controlled and may have students miss the point. For example, in a lab on condensation, students were supposed to use a paper towel to detect moisture on the outside of a cup containing ice water - however because it was cold and dry in the classroom, there was no condensation, so the students couldn't complete the exercise without breaking the rules of scientific integrity! All that said, some combination is probably good.

Erci Hernandez Erci Hernandez 495 Points

Hello, although virtual science experiments do not have the same effective result as in person experiments, the virtual lab simulations have tremendously helped us continue our virtual science education successfully and they allow us to keep learning as if we were in person. 

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