
Forums / Elementary Science / Sound Energy

Elementary Science

Sound Energy

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Ariel Gordy Ariel Gordy 1175 Points

I am working on a lesson plan for sound energy and I am looking for interesting activities for 4th graders. Any advice you could provide would be great! Thank you!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

This is a fun topic and yes, they need many fun experiences with sound. I did several of the sound experiences recently. In about 40 minutes we did: making sounds with wine glasses, tuning forksm striking them and then touching water in a pie pan, putting a penny in one balloon and a hexnut in another balloon, blow them up, tie them and then spin the balloon to make it go in circles so the objects inside spin around. Compare the sounds they make. We used a slinky to show compression of sound waves, and I found a drum at my neighbor's garage sale! It was a hit, pun intended. Make the cans with string "phone." Make flutes with straws, kazoos with paper tube and wax paper, a guitar with a tissue box and rubber bands. You can search sound lessons in the Learning Center and there is a lot of background information in articles that I read through that helped me understand that students need a variety of experiences with sound. The hardest thing I found for students is differentiating between volume and pitch.

Rachel Webber Dr. Universe 255 Points

If you are interested, here are a couple potential articles to go along with the activity from Ask Dr. Universe... Why do we hear the sea in a shell? Can you hear in space?

Rachel Webber Dr. Universe 255 Points

If you are interested, here are a couple potential articles to go along with the activity from Ask Dr. Universe... Why do we hear the sea in a shell? Can you hear in space?

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