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Elementary Science

How to best teach Science

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Joana Zarazua Joana Zarazua 480 Points

Hello, I am pursuing a career in Elementary Education and I wanted to ask any expirienced educators. What methods do you suggets we use when creating the activiy and lesson plan that will help make our students to be fully engaged? Would it be better for the lesson to be divided into sections for them to be fully engaed? Do you recomend whe make hand on activities or even take them outside for their science lesson? The reson Im asking this is becasuse I believe learning isn't about learning everything in one sitting and for it to be a boring session. It could be fun and short. 

Robert Harmon Robert Harmon 10 Points

First, the teacher must know his students well. Since the teacher is the one creating the activity, he should know what each student’s interests are, his grade level, and how to start the lesson in a fun way that will capture student interest. The students must feel they are part of the lesson, not just observers. The teacher should call on each student and let them lead the discussion. Students that are less active should get the most attention, so that the teacher knows how to challenge him or her to participate. The teacher should make sure he does not have a “high” or “low” student in each activity. As stated before, student interest must be captured and maintained. I would suggest you to use videos, comics, images, internet, handout, etc. Students are nowadays more interested in visuals, they can understand faster and they can also remember better. Credit quick cheap essay

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