
Forums / Elementary Science / Class Safety

Elementary Science

Class Safety

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Johanna Barrera Johanna Barrera 910 Points

Hello, I will be graduating soon and I was wondering what are some fun activities in classroom/lab safety. All ideas are acceptable! Thanks!

Kelly Riedy Kelly Riedy 470 Points

Johanna, in one of my college courses we were given a handout that had photos of students doing crazy/inappropriate things in the science lab, such as drinking coffee, standing in front of a laser, etc. We worked as a group to figure out what was wrong with each number on the handout and then went over it as a class. It was meant to be an example of what we could do in our classes and it was pretty interesting. I think this would be something you can look into. You can google 'lab safety photo' and several will appear. For a more hands on approach take a look at this website:
Hope this helps!

Daniella Tangherlini Daniella Tangherlini 2445 Points

Hello, I think a great way to start a science safety activity would be to integrate a video. A funny and informative video is a great way to get a topic across to students because they pay full attention. An example of a funny video in regards to lab safety is ( Hope this helps!!

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