Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Technology in the Classroom

Early Childhood

Technology in the Classroom

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Rebecca Tablada Rebecca Tablada 235 Points

The 21st century is the evolving world of technology and according to polls science and technology jobs is one of the largest arrears that will be needed in the work force. Teachers have been known to use more technology in their lesson plans. Today’s students are doing so much more with technology, it would be irresponsible for us to do anything else. Students are using social media, texting and emailing. When technology is used properly students can benefit a lt.  Technology is a great tool to help assist teachers with teaching. Because no two student is the same technology is a great tool to engage every different kind of learner. Some students learn best by visuals, by using their hands, by listening, by making charts and lists, ect. Technology makes learning more fun for both students and teachers and there are so many free educational apps.

Some simple ways students can use technology in the classroom is typing notes, listening to audio books. It can also give teachers the resources to get their lesson plans in a timely matter.  Technology such as blackboards and iPad’s/tablets can make learning more hands on for students. Because it is more interactive students will be more involved and will be excited about learning and can also help them process information more quickly and efficiently.

As a teacher I would integrate technology in my classroom by using a smartboard and audio books. I will also use interactive videos and I will probably use music as well to help the students remember certain topics with a song.

Luz Alonzo Luz Alonzo 380 Points

I agree with your post! Technology is a great resource that allow the students to have more informative information in their learning. Using technology they will be able to experience and visualize how it is use in the real world. Which actually allows the students to be productive in their learning. Teacher also benefits from the use of technology. Technology saves paper, and many resources such as time, which will allow the teachers to actually allow the students to explore using what they learned in videos, experiments, and many other things that they use with technology. Students enjoy technology and science videos, the more explored they are the better learning the will gather. At my school that I am currently student teaching technology is Incorporated in all subjects with I pad's and smart boards the is a great advantage that the young students have now that back in the day we didn't. As a future teacher I would use technology to the extend that is beneficial to my students, trying to incorporate more hands on along with the use of technology.

Linh Tran Linh Tran 30 Points

Great post! I also agree with you that technology is a great tool and can help us differentiate instruction in the classroom. Besides the technological tools mentioned, have you tried different types of applications/programs that you enjoy with your students? What did you find challenging about using technology in the classroom? I look forward to your response.

Brittney Diener Brittney Diener 45 Points

I agree that technology is very useful in the classroom in this day and age! I am still a student, but I think that incorporating technology can enhance the activity. Technology can also help to differentiate the instruction for students who may have difficulty with the original lesson. For example, if you're doing a reading lesson, some students may have difficulty focusing on the book for long periods of time. To counteract this, you could have the child listen to an audio book while doing something so they are not sitting still the whole time. Technology also allows students to show their creativity in the classroom. If you ask students to create a scene from their favorite book, rather than having them draw a picture on paper, they could use Scratch or Minecraft. Technology definitely adds to the classroom, but it should not take over the classroom.

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