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Distance Learning

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What is the hardest part of distance learning ? What concerns do you have about distance learning ?

Vivian Guerra Vivian Guerra 330 Points

Hi Guadalupe, I am currently a distance learning student and can tell you that it not easy at all, although I am in the University level that does not mean it is anyg more easier. I feel like I miss going to class since it really helped keep me more engaged and awake, well atleast more than in zoom. A concern I would have as a teacher is if my students are recieving the maximum capacity of knowledge that I am presenting to them. 

Ashley Cantrell Ashley Cantrell 635 Points


I am teaching 4th grade right now, and I do worry if My students are able to get the full capacity of knowledge that I am presenting also.  I try to check their understanding frequently while on google meets, but some students are very distracted being at home leanring.  on the hand, some students are still very engaged and love the technology of being able to learn at home.  More than anything I worry about my students though.  I worry that they are missing out on the social interaction between peers, because whether we notice or not its a huge part of their well being.  They need to be around other peers and talk and play, and just BE KIDS.

Leah Hummel Leah Hummel 490 Points

Hi Guadalupe, I am a distanced learning at the university level, and I often feel that the hardest part of remote learning is staying motivated and on task because there are so many other distractions and things going on in a remote learning setting. I'm a pre-service teacher and science in my placement school is not being taught due to COVID which worries me as a pre-service teacher because I'm not getting the expierence of observing and teaching science. But this is also worrying to me because the students are not getting to expierence learning about science and some of educational yet engaging activities that they would usually get to expierence themselves and with peers. 

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