
Forums / Chemistry / I love Chemistry


I love Chemistry

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Edwin Lopez Edwin Lopez 835 Points

  I like chemistry because learning it gives me a fuller understanding of the natural world. Every day I see applications of the chemistry I am learning. I can't wash my hands without thinking about intermolecular forces, or charge my iPod without thinking about oxidation-reduction reactions. I also like knowing about the chemicals that surround me and make up part of my every day life. For example today in class I learned exactly what PABA is, which is in a lot of shampoos and cosmetics and is often mentioned in advertisements. Its also useful when trying to gain nutritional information from food labels, which are often intentionally misleading. For example glucose is often called dextrose on food labels, and many people may not immediately recognize this as a sugar. I also think there is beauty in chemistry; the shapes of snowflakes and the complex interactions of an ant colony are determined by the properties of certain chemicals.  

Karan Kaur Karan Kaur 905 Points

I like chemistry too! Lol 

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