
Forums / Evaluation and Assessment / 3-Dimensional Assessments in Chemistry

Evaluation and Assessment

3-Dimensional Assessments in Chemistry

Author Post
Anne Krebs Anne Krebs 375 Points

Many of my high school chemistry students struggle with the application of science practices to laboratory experience – planning experiments and using mathematics – especially when integrated with crosscutting concepts of cause/effect and scale/proportion required in a quality 3-dimensional assessment.  What are some things that you’ve found successful to support the translation of student skills from other settings to the science classroom and beyond?         

Hollie Whalen Hollie Whalen 55 Points

Can you begin your lab by relating the focus concept to something they can relate to real life?

Example: if you are doing a lab on exothermic reactions can you start out with a discussion about temperature flux when it snows. (My own children noticed that the air felt warmer during snowfall when they were pretty young and being a bit of a nerdy family, we had a discussion about exothermic reactions). Being able to pull examples like this to assist in concept explanation may help; I have used this idea a lot in my biology class and I find that it helps with understanding.

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