
Forums / New Teachers / First Day Nerves

New Teachers

First Day Nerves

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Sofia Guerra Sofia Guerra 480 Points

Hello everyone my name is Sofia Guerra. I am a Junior at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Although my professors are doing a great job preparing me for my first day in the classroom I still have doubts. I have learned countless strategies that make an effective teacher but I wouls like yours. If anybody who has experience teaching Elementary Bilingual education please share your tips and strategies for success. Another concern is how can I keep an organized classroom structure without affecting my relationship with the student. For instance, how can I be strict but still welcoming. Thank You. 

Ayde Martinez Ayde Martinez 405 Points

Hey Sofia, although I am not a teacher yet, I do work as a substitute which helps immensely in gaining experience. I can share with you that the best method that works for me in order to have a well structured classroom is by treating every single student equally, avoid favoritism. Students tend to act up in order to get attention from the teacher or other students. Some strategies that I have used in a bilingual classroom is explaining everything in explicitly and in both languages. Hope this helps you, best of luck!

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