Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Earth and Space Science / Solar system lessons

Earth and Space Science

Solar system lessons

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Lashay Everson Lashay Everson 645 Points

need help with solar system lessons or games

Francoise Aguilera Francoise Aguilera 325 Points


Have the students work in groups,

print out the planets without names and give them labels in a ziplock. 

Have them label and put the planets in order. First group to get it right wins!


Activity: Assign each group a planet and research what each planet is like (quick facts) and what it would be like for humans to live on the assigned planet. Have them present it to the class

Evelyn Espinoza Evelyn Espinoza 215 Points

1. Cut out circles in different sizes and different colors.


2. Cut a piece of wax paper about 12' long. With a large paint brush, paint on glitter glue all over the wax paper and then place your planets on top of the glue.


3. Cut a frame from a black piece of construction paper . The border in the picture is 1' thick. Place on top of the wax paper to frame your solar system, and trim around the edge. Each child will have their own'Planetarium' you can also help theem by going over each planet and labeling them.



Lupita Gonzalez Lupita Gonzalez 260 Points

1. go over the solar syatem. planets. 

2. sing a song with the planets names. (that has always helped alot with memorization).

Aaron Salazar Aaron Salazar 220 Points

Create a working model of the solar system with foam balls and hanger wire. That helped me understand orbit with the planets in their correct order.

Elizabeth Williams Elizabeth Williams 180 Points

Wow, what a fun idea! Did this work well with students of all ages? 

Mariah Hollis-Mack Mariah Hollis 415 Points 

You could show students a video like the one above and have a discussion to check for understanding. Also going over the planets and their features for the upper grades would be helpful.

Joma Galo Joma Galo 540 Points

You can first start the class with a set that introduces the solar system. Also, you can have 8 students as planets and one as the sun. They can hold up informational text that will help the students identify the characteristics of the planets.

Yanelys Gonzalez yanelys gonzalez 300 Points

There's a great game as a way to review this lesson. You can make index cards with all the terms included in the earth and space lesson and pass it out to each student and have them play a heads up game and have them figure out their terms with tevdefinition and clues that their peers give them. 

Nazae Craw Nazae Craw 5230 Points

To focus on the solar system, I believe the best way is to decorate the class by displaying all the different parents. The solar system is a very complicated subject that students often confuse because it is a challenging subject to learn at times. However, visuals help students see the relation and positions of the planets and sun in a more effective way compared to the teacher just simply stating what the solar system looks like. I recommend playing videos as well, and having the students participate in hands-on activities regarding the solar system. I would also recommned to have the students write vocabulary words in their notebook in order to refer to during the unit when needed. 

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