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Elementary Science

Upcoming teacher

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Nicole Adams Nicole Adams 450 Points

Hi my name is Nicole, and I am currently a Junior in college looking to get more prepared for my future as an elementary science teacher. All grade level advice welcome but I hope to teach between 2nd and 4th grade! I would love to hear any advice on how to get students excited to learn science. I plan on using many hands-on lessons that allow for group work and deeper thinking. (Ex: teaching moon phases with oreos) Share some of your favorites or even tips!

Cristina Camarillo Cristina Camarillo 545 Points

I would say find the interest of the students first. Like if the students like stuff about volcanoes you can contribute it into an experiment in class. By involving a volcano you can take advantage and teach about the rock cycle as well.


Judith Boyle Judith Boyle 965 Points

Hi, Nicole, 

You will find that students are by nature curious about everything. I have a stool in front of my desk and to spark curiosity in science, I will find an item that is used to introduce a science we will be studying to place on it. As my students arrive, they seem to always gravitate to the stool and begin asking questions. I tell them to get their science notebooks and record the questions they have because they are great questions (and I won't answer them!). This sparks their enthusiasm for science. 

Another tactic is for your students to bring in phenomena they have observed. Then begin a science phenomena corner! You will have an amazing collection. Even my parents bring things in! Rocks, bark, fur, antlers, bones, and a bat are a few in my collection!

Have fun! You will learn so much from your students!


Chandler Patrick Chandler Patrick 2040 Points

Hello! I am in my 3rd year in college and I am looking foward to teaching elementary students. I am a little nervous about teaching science but I am excited at the same time. I would like advice on how to become comforatable with teaching science content. 

Judith Boyle Judith Boyle 965 Points

Hello, Chandler,

I grappled with the same problem. Here is what I have done which has helped me so much. Whenever I attend an NSTA conference, I try to 'step outside my science content comfort zone'. Here's an example: I needed to improve with chemistry so I attended only workshops that dealt with that science. It was hard since there were no elementary chemistry sessions, but there were middle school and high school. So, I took a deep breath and entered the sessions. Immediately, I admitted to the teachers around me that I was an elementary teacher who wanted to teach chemistry to my students but I knew nothing about it, and I asked for help. Well, they were amazing! Now I feel more confident. I learned two things; go to NSTA conferences and always go to my middle school and high school science teachers for help. They are always so helpful. NSTA's Science and Children's publication is wonderful for helping too. Check out their 'Science 101' and their articles too. Have fun building a collection of articles!

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