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Middle School Engagement

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Jade Mears Jade Mears 90 Points

I am a preservice teacher who is hoping to be teaching middle level math and science. I worry about keeping students engaged and to build a love of science that will follow them throughout their lives (much like my science teachers did for me). How can I keep the magic of science alive in the middle levels? 

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Challenge your students. Don't rely on the old book and pencil method of teaching science. Keep things active with as much hands on learning as you can. Let the students discover things for themselves instead of telling them about it. This is also a challenge for the teacher, but it leads to inspiring discoveries about yourself and your students.

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

Use the learning center to find articles and lesson plans on integrating math and science. When you plan a science lesson, build math into it. Students then are able to see the relevance that math brings to science and are more engaged in the lesson while improving their math skills. It's a great way to integrate the subjects.

Savannah Brickner Savannah Brickner 362 Points

I agree with you! I feel like as a future teacher I am worried about students not understanding the concept of science and not developing a love or desire to learn more about it. I know that as a teacher it is your responiblity to keep the students engaged and on topic while still allowing them to enjoy learning. I look forward to doing this with my future students but I am also nervous.

Alexis Barr Alexis Barr 280 Points

Hey Jade,

I would recommend keeping humor in your lessons. Relate them to something that they know. Make sure to do fun experiments too! Students tend to love experiments more than just taking notes. Make sure not to make your lectures too serious, either. Long boring lectures are hard for middle schoolers to sit through and pay attention to. Good luck! :)

Elaize Huntington Elaize Huntington 30 Points

Thanks for post!

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