Hello! I am a bilingual (Spanish) 2nd grade teacher. I am hoping there are some bilingual or dual language teachers out there that can help me. I am looking for resources in Spanish, specifically leveled readers and trade books that I could use during my literacy block and guided reading. Our school has concentrated our search on translations, but I would be interested in learning about materials and resources from Latino/Hispanic authors and publishers. Thank you so much for your help!
I did a search in the Learning Center with just the word "Spanish" and came up with a lot of resources that I think would help you. Try that and I think you will be pleased with them.
Hello, You should check the Illinois Resource Center website. It contains a full set of resources available for teachers either in a bilingual or dual language program. The “ESL Materials Recommended by IRC Staff” section is great! You will find a huge annotated bibliography of ESL resources, from teaching strategies to best/recommended assessment practices and information about materials as well. The center also plans workshops on a regular basis around the year. I hope you find this information helpful.
Thank you for the information Marcelo and Betty!
Hi Rhea, The suggestion to do an advanced search using the term 'Spanish' will provide you with some excellent journal articles that suggest science trade books written in Spanish. That should prove helpful when you want to teach important science concepts in their native language. I know you were looking for authors and resources in Spanish, but sometimes it can be useful to do an advanced search for ELL materials as well. I tried an advanced search using the key term 'English language learner'. I also filtered for e-journal articles and elementary. I received 20 suggestions, and I think these two in particular may be of interest to you:Learning English, Learning Science andSheltered Instruction Techniques for ELLs You might also be interested in the interview with NASA astronaut, Ellen Ochoa in a Career of the Month article. I hope this helps. Carolyn
One excellent education website is ReadWorks.org which focuses on reading comprehension. Also, www.education.jlab.org (Jefferson Laboratory)is a good site for science questions/answers, and it has a kid's zone with interactive science games. I hope that these sites are found to be useful. Deborah
http://www.education.jlab.org (External Website)
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