
Elementary Science

Author Post
Rhode Labranche Rhode Labranche 4180 Points

What type of strategies can I use to teach students who are level two ESL students? They are fifth grade students.

Maureen Stover Maureen Stover 41070 Points

Hi Rhode,

Trying to find strategies to help ESL students can be challenging, especially since so many of the words that we use in science are not used in normal conversation. Are you looking for strategies specifically for teaching ESL students science? NSTA Press has published several books that provide teaching tips and ideas to help ESL students understand science concepts. Here are a few that I've used:
English Language Learners in the Science Classroom
Alterantive Assessments for English Language Learners
Science for English Language Learners: K-12 Strategies
Teaching Science to English Language Learners

Hopefully these resources will help you! You can also find additional ESL resources by searching the Learning Center.

Good Luck!


Kathy Sparrow Kathy Sparrow 47692 Points


There is an NSTA collection titled ELLS in the Science Classroom with many good resources. One that I especially like it Teaching Science to English-as-Second-Language-Learners, by G. Buck. Another is Methods and Strategies: Enhancing Science for ELLs. Both articles have a lot of good suggestions.

Brittany Phillips Brittany Phillips 515 Points

I have attached an article that I found very helpful when brainstorming strategies to use with ELL students. Hope this article gives you some useful ideas! Brittany

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