
Forums / Elementary Science / The Sixth E

Elementary Science

The Sixth E

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Gabrielle DuVall Gabrielle DuVall 1260 Points

This article was interesting to read because this past week in my classes we focused a lot on the 5E lesson plan and its parts. Implementing another E into the lesson plan and calling it Engineering would deepen children's understanding and grasp on the content they learned from the lesson. By implementing this these students are able to go deeper into their understanding and act like true scientists and engineers. My main question after reading this lesson plan is I wonder if adding engineering to a lesson only works for certain topics?

Joseph Bellina Joseph Bellina 170 Points

The advantage of adding engineering to the end of science lesson is that the students have a chance to apply what they have just learned to different situations, helping to anchor the new concepts.  This could be done with any science topic, it is just a matter of finding some appropriate applications.

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