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Early Childhood

Student Teaching in Pre Kinder

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Juanny Posada Juanny Posada 135 Points

Hi everybody! I am currently doing an internship in Pre Kinder and they are bilingual. I would like to know what are ways of implementing labs for the students. They are so young, and since I have no experience I would truly appreciate any suggestion.  Thank you!

Megan Doty Megan Doty 11847 Points

Hi Juanny, I found a couple of resources with activities that may help. The first describes a nature walk that a bilingual preschool classroom took, which could be fun: Also, I found another article about incorporating clay and art into a science class. It's geared toward students in the primary grades (first and second) but you may be able to adapt to a Pre-Kindergarten class: Please let us know if you use one of these activities or if you do something else! -Megan

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