Hi Sarah! For starters, I would check with the University of Arkansas and the Arkansas Department of Education to see what is listed for safety requirements. Another good approach is to always check for allergies. A seemingly safe and innocent activity can have profound impacts on kids who may have sensitivities. Then, I would put on your thinking cap and try to imagine anything that might go wrong and put a barrier in place. With little kids, it's probably a good idea to introduce them to personal protective devices, anyway, so even if you don't see a need, introduce them to safety glasses, hearing protection, gloves (but don't forget some kids are sensitive to latex and may need nitrile gloves). At the university, I'm sure they have a clinic or nursing staff and I would plan a little visit. There's probably a safety office, too. They are experts in this area and will probably load you down with whatever you might need and might even come in to talk to a class. Hope this helps!