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Elementary Science

Online Science Learning

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Considering the current situation with online learning, what are some things and ways educators can do to motivate our students to learn and be involved just like it was in a regular class setting? it is easy to log in to a computer and sit down during a lcture, however, our students in the lower levels tend to lose focus  get distracted faster than older kids when things dont get interesting enoguh for them or engaging.

Jocelyn Trevino Jocelyn Trevino 490 Points

Hello Estefania, one thing that came up in my mind about how to get the kids involved and motivated, is to have them do fun experiments that will have the students engaged in the lesson, but at the same time they are doing a hands-on activity instead of just being in front of a computer and listening to the lecture. Hope this tip helped you with finding a way to motivate the students now that they are doing everything online. 

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