
Forums / Early Childhood / Plant Growth

Early Childhood

Plant Growth

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Michael McCann Michael McCann 170 Points

Are there any classroom activities that can show how a plant grows from a seed to a full plant/flower and demonstrates the different influences (water, sunlight, soil, etc.) on plant growth?

Kayla Adair Kayla Adair 680 Points

Im not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I have seen and done the seed in the wet paper towel. Each day we draw what the seed has done. After a certain amount of days you put the seed in soil. I tried to do this at my house before I did it in front of my students and I would recommend a sunflower seed. It was amazing to watch as it grows. I would also say that you can put one in the sun then give it water daily and one in a dark place then do nothing with it to see the differences. Hope this helps!

Stephanie Lybarger stephanie Lybarger 875 Points

I remember using lima beans! Those were very popular when I was in school and I still see them being used in my school now. These are easy and very cheap to purchase. I hope that helps!

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