
Forums / Elementary Science / Types of Listening

Elementary Science

Types of Listening

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Kay-Andrew Gayle Kay-Andrew Gayle 355 Points

      According to Lumen Learning (n.d), there are four types of listening that we can employ as educators. These four types of listening include appreciative, empathic, comprehensive, and critical listening. When we listen for appreciation, we listen to enjoy and express some form of gratitude. Students need appreciative ears. Comprehensive listening is employed for the purpose of getting direction, instruction, and understanding. Students need to be listened to for understanding, not for a mere response. They also must adopt this form of listening. Critical listening involves listening to analyze and evaluate. Empathetic listening is a little different because it is listening to understand the situation. All four types of listening can be incorporated into a teacher's pedagogy and will eventually help in our students' success and overall classroom management. 

Florida State College. (n.d.). Fundamentals of Public Speaking. Retrieved from

Kennedy Clarke Kennedy Clarke 2085 Points

It is important that we listen to our students through these 4 types because they all will provide a positive learning environment for our students. By listening to students through appreciative listening, we are showing students that we appreciate what they are saying and we are listening for certain information. Listening to our students with comprehensive listening will help our students because we want to let them know we are listening for an understanding. As teachers, it is important that we listen critically because we have to be able to evaluate and assess our students in different ways, like observations. And lastly, empathetic listening is important for us to model and teach our students because it creates an environment where we stop and listen to others, and then reply. 

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