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Kinetic Energy Lesson

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Geena Pinacate Geena Pinacate 260 Points

Hi all. Thank you for looking over my forum. 

I'm sure many of you have already implemented insanely successful STEM lessons and maybe even done a 6th grade kinetic energy lesson. Speak of, I'm in the process of writing my own plan and was wondering if any of you fine people have any tips or tricks that have worked for you? I'm looking for anything in the range of behavior management to summative assessments to any engaging activity. 

I'm a newbie at this so anything is helpful!

Kelly Zalopany Kelly Zalopany 400 Points

My advice is to look at the resources available on this site. Also, teachers pay teachers has some great lesson ideas that are very engaging. Keep up the good work! 

Jordyn Smith Jordyn Smith 565 Points

Aloha Geena, 

I have done a energy lesson with fourth grade students. However we focused on electric energy. I noticed that my fourth grade students reacted well with hands on activities. However, something to take note of is having  good classroom management to ensure the students don’t get distracted with the objects. There are many resources to find some activities to implement in your 6th grade classroom. The Fun Science Demos Team has various youtube videos that displays science activites and has different languages helpful for ELL students! 

Good luck with your lesson Geena! 


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