
Next Generation Science Standards

Lesson on Caves

Author Post
Kate-Lynn Brown Kate-Lynn Brown 140 Points

What is a fun way to get my studnets more involved with my lesson about caves? we create a cave with play-doh, but is there any other way to make it more exciting? 

Deborah Bronner Deborah Bronner 650 Points

I would do research to find out where the closest cave is located and consider a field trip.  I would look for films about caves so that the students can see close ups of the interior of a cave and all of the formations inside.

Cris DeWolf Cris DeWolf 11965 Points

What grade do you teach? 

The Caves Live website has an abundance of materials you could check out.

and AGI's Earth Science Week site has a resource geared to 3-ESS2-2 called Caves Guide

Miranda Foster Miranda Foster 375 Points

Yes, depending on the grade, it’s always fun and memorable when students can act out scenarios, in this case being in a cave, let them know they are scientists or give them a responsibility or reasoning for being in the cave . Students can use their imagination with the teacher’s guidance and create a new world in a cave. This can involve:

·         Questions about caves

·         Have them Observe what they might find in caves

·         Create some fun facts about caves that will excite them


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