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Recent Posts by Amy
Mon, May 25, 2020 1:37 AM in Students and Science
Hello Scott! I think that students enter classrooms with so many different misconceptions about science that I agree it can be really difficult to push students into learning evidence-based science. I believe that students latch onto challenging science content when they are presented with a phenomenon or a misconception is challenged. The students then have to struggle through the experience and...
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Mon, May 25, 2020 1:24 AM in Science Showcase
Hello Stephanie! I am a current preservice teacher and I have volunteered for a few science nights in the past! My experience has mostly been with elementary grades although I think that the general concept of the science night would stay the same. I have helped facilitate a STEM night at an elementary school. The school was set up into quick little hands-on activities in each classroom in which ...
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Mon, May 25, 2020 1:23 AM in Science Showcase
Hello Stephanie! I am a current preservice teacher and I have volunteered for a few science nights in the past! My experience has mostly been with elementary grades although I think that the general concept of the science night would stay the same. I have helped facilitate a STEM night at an elementary school. The school was set up into quick little hands-on activities in each classroom in which ...
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Recent Reviews by Amy
Mon, May 25, 2020 1:08 AM
Interdisciplinary Ideas
This article describes why the use of nonfiction texts is a critical skill for students to develop and methods on how to help build those skills. Science and literature are intertwined and through the use of nonfiction texts students get the idea that reading helps them learn. The author, Katie, focuses on modeling and previewing the nonfiction text before students read on their own to aid in their comprehension. Her ideas are helpful, especially as a preservice teacher.
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