Mon, Nov 30, 2015 10:42 PM in Kindergarten activities
There are many ways to grab a kindergarteners attention. When applying science activities in the classroom, kindergarteners love to move around and do hands-on activities. Children tend to learn more through fun experiments, rather than listen to a lesson being taught on a chalkboard. For example, a great activity for incoming kindergarteners would be a scavenger hunt! This could involve studen...
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Mon, Nov 30, 2015 10:21 PM in What Children's Books Do You Use in Science Istruction?
There are tons of children's books that would be helpful in teaching science. In my opinion, the Magic School Bus series are perfect books for teaching any unit in science. The series covers animals, dinosaurs, earth science, environment, forces and motion, the human body, insects, kitchen science, plants and ecology, power and energy, space, and so much more! What is also great about these books ...
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Mon, Nov 30, 2015 10:15 PM in Science Safety Rules
Science safety is extremely important in the classroom. As a teacher, you are responsible for anything that happens in the class. In this case, making the rules extra clear is key for a safe learning environment. Some rules must consist of:
1. Listen and follow directions
2. Use science tools only when told to do so
3. Pull all hair back and sleeves must be rolled up
4. Always wear safety gear...
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