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Sun, Apr 26, 2020 2:05 PM
Community Connections
This article discusses the importance of communication between parents and students at home about school. Once students reach grade 8, communication decreases due to spending more time away from home. This article gives a few helpful tips/idea in encouraging for more communication to occur between parents and students. I think it could be helpful to have a few more suggestions, but overall I think this is a helpful article for middle school teachers, even elementary teachers because parents are a huge part of a students home life and commitment to learn.
Sun, Apr 26, 2020 1:52 PM
Science for All: Creating a self-sufficient classroom
This article discussed skills and strategies for middle school students to learn to help them become more self-sufficient. In middle school, teachers are transitioning students out of the elementary classroom set up and preparing them for high school. Students having to learn to be more responsible and not rely on the teacher for everything. This article has some well thought out ideas in helping with this transition. Overall, I think this is a great article with useful ideas that I will incorporate into my future classroom.
Sun, Apr 26, 2020 1:39 PM
Inquiry Made Easy
This article explained a process for teachers to use that will help develop an inquiry based science classroom. Moving towards an inquiry based classroom is extremely important because it allows for the students to improve their communication skills. It also allows for them to develop their own ideas and contribute to the class. I really liked how this article described and explained helpful steps in how to do this. This is definitely a resource I will use in my future classroom to help me incorporate an inquiry based classroom.
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