Tue, Mar 13, 2012 12:21 PM in Composting
An indoor composting bin is great! I limit the organic stuff to egg shells, orange peels, things that are more dry and limit the quantity that enters the bin. And as someone else mentioned - never meat, fish, etc. One of the jobs they'll love is misting the compost bin with a water bottle and another is stirring it with a wooden stick.
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Tue, Mar 13, 2012 12:16 PM in Angry Birds
Another great app, actually, it's a software program is "World of Goo." It's great way to play with elastic forces of tension, elastic forces of compression, friction, etc.
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Tue, Mar 13, 2012 12:07 PM in New Force & Motion Unit - Ideas?
My students design a roller coaster for a marble. Students need to describe, construct, write, and present how their roller coaster uses motion and forces. The supplies are very simple - marbles, foam tubing, tape. We construct ours against the wall so we don't need independent structural support.
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