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Recent Reviews by Jaclyn
Thu, Nov 21, 2019 11:00 AM
Great Resource!
This resource is great for reviewing simple tips for teaching that are extremely beneficial. It has a very nice layout of all the tips and has examples for all of them to allow teachers to relate them to their own classroom. As a preservice teacher, these are the types of resources that are most helpful because they are relatable and can help us visualize our future classroom.
Wed, Nov 20, 2019 10:07 AM
Changes perspective
This resource really makes you think from a different perspective. As a teacher, science can create opportunity for multiple possible "right" answers. With this resource, it switches our thinking to "best" answer. This allows kids to gain more confidence in their thinking, especially if it is different from their peers in class. Allowing for there to be a "best" answer, this also allows for more claims and evidence practice which is what science is all about. Students will have more opportunities to justify their thinking with evidence they have found with this "best" answer mindset.
Wed, Nov 20, 2019 9:54 AM
Good Resource
When teaching kids, especially in Science we always want to see what they know first, before we start teaching. I think this article does a great job justifying that and making it known that kids enjoy speaking their minds and figuring things out on their own first. When students are prompted to ask questions and given the proper time to think about questions, the opportunities are endless for beneficial discussions. I think that this article makes it seem very easy and doable in my future classroom.
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