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Recent Reviews by Hailey
Sun, Apr 25, 2021 8:47 PM
Cell Structure and Function
This is a good resource to teach students about the structure and function of cells however it is wordy at times, there were a few sections I had to read over more than once. The pictures were very helpful and kept the book engaging, they also provided good visuals that helped me understand some of the concepts that weren't as easy to understand. I found the chapter quiz's very useful for helping me recall the big ideas that I had read in the previous chapter. When I got to the final assessment I felt as though the questions were a good representation of everything I had read in the book. There weren't a ton of questions so not all of the big concepts were covered however the questions came from a variety of places throughout the book. The information and visuals in this textbook could be used to plan a variety of engaging science lessons.
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