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Recent Posts by Lacey
Mon, Mar 18, 2019 10:48 PM in Lots of Science, Not A Lot of Time
Hello! My name is Lacey and I am currently working on my masters in Early Childhood Education, with initial licensure. I am not in the classroom yet but from what I have gathered from my first-grade practicum, there isn't a ton of time allocated for science daily. With all of the standards that teachers have to meet today, I personally believe there isn't enough time to div...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Lacey
Sun, Mar 24, 2019 2:47 AM
Great SciPack, Recalled information and learned a lot!
This SciPack was full of great information about nutrition from all aspects. A lot of the information was great for review and the rest I learn a lot about nutrition I hadn't known before. I had a few glitches with the interactive portions not fully loading or running in a loop but it wasn't a huge problem. Overall, I would recommend this SciPack for anyone wanted in to dive deep into the world of nutrition, you will learn a lot!
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