Fri, Jan 23, 2015 6:36 PM in Time for science
I have observed my co-teacher use a lot of science books during read aloud time and also during social studies. She will discuss the land forms and climates in the different areas that we are discussing in social studies. I think it helps to cross teach different subjects as often as you can.
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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 6:30 PM in Nutrtition
I'm not sure what grade, but as a student teacher I discuss the basic of nutrition when the students eat. I talk about the benefits of the different food (bananas help you have energy to run and learn). The cafeteria also labels the viewing windows of the lunch line with words like "protein". I tell the children that protein helps you build muscles so that you can be strong.
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Fri, Jan 23, 2015 6:23 PM in First Day of School Science Activities
I'm student teaching and today I watched a great "turn and talk" with my kindergarten class. We read a book called "The sun, the wind and the rain" It discussed the rock cycle in a very friendly child manner. It was also nice to hear what different information the students got from different parts of the book.
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