Hello! I am Hazel Pichardo. I am a senior in Florida International University pursuing a bachelors degree in Elementary Education. I have always wanted to teach but I was concerned about the money. Until one day as I saw my niece struggle in school due to the lack of patience of those around her made me want to make a difference in the field. I have been surrounded with my nieces and nephews for over ten years and never gave up on them. iIt is through them that i I am inspired to make a difference in children's' life,. Not in one day but one step at a time. I am looking forward to learn a lot in this learning center especially that my favorite subject has always been science. " Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything." Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Coral Reefs
I placed these resources together to be able to use it in my classroom and broaden students knowledge about the coral reefs since I feel that they should have more in depth knowledge about them.
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Sun, Nov 18, 2012 10:18 PM in Future Teacher
It is a great thing to know that NSTA can be a great tool for new teachers to refresh their memory before teaching a concept. I joined NSTA through a science college course and did not know how helpful this learning center is. I am glad that my professor introduced us to this website. I hope to find another resource like this one for other content areas once I go in the field.
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Science Success for Students With Special Needs Collection
Wed, Nov 28, 2012 11:47 AM Awesome collection!
Hello Ashley! I am glad that you added this collection because this is highly important. Many times teachers run out of resources or ideas as to how to collaborate with students with special needs. With this collection teachers will be able to get an insight about modifying, accommodating and differentiated instruction for diversity in the classroom.
Wed, Nov 28, 2012 11:46 AM Awesome collection!
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