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Recent Reviews by Janice

When The Sun Goes Dark
Thu, Apr 13, 2017 2:33 PM
When the Sun Goes Dark
When the Sun Goes Dark is a story told through the eyes of a 12 year old. It is an easy read with a realistic, engaging story line of grandparents explaining eclipses and other scientific phenomena to their grandchildren.
This book is of particular interest to me as a grandparent as my grandson is 12 years old and he and his siblings will have this book as a continued reference for explanations of phases of the moon, what exactly happens during a solar eclipse and an example of how elements were discovered by looking at the Sun’s corona.
I would highly recommend this book to all ages. This book will assist teachers and parents in explaining why we have eclipses (not only solar but lunar, too) while also explaining simple concepts such as what is a month. The illustrations that support the text are superb.
The timing of this book by Authors Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz, two highly respected astronomy educators, prepares all ages for the solar eclipse that will be seen across the United States in August 2017.
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