• Christopher Ralston

    Christopher Ralston

My NSTA / Peers / Christopher Ralston

Hi everyone, I am Christopher and my major is elementary education with an emphasis in special education. Once I graduate, my plan is to continue to attend school at ISU to receive a secondary emphasis in mathematics. I enjoy playing sports, watching movies, traveling for fun, attending musicals, and just relaxing at home when I have the time. My favorite part about science is zoology. I enjoy the study of animals. I have been married to my wonderful wife for two years this month and have a dog and cat. My dog's name is Winston who is a German Shepherd and my cats name is Dexter. I would like to teach between 4th and 6th grade once I am done with school and have the vision of becoming the teacher students think back and say, "He really made a difference in my life and the person I have become," just like most of my teachers and professors have done for me throughout my life. Looking forward to another wonderful semester!

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