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Mon, Sep 09, 2019 12:31 AM in Gardening at school with young children
Hi i would suggest starting it at the beginning of the year so that students get the full experience and get to see the progress through out the year. Also maybe taking a picture day 1 then half ways and finally at the end of the year so the students can keep a memory and are able to compare the difference.
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Mon, Sep 09, 2019 12:18 AM in Future Teacher
Hi everyone my names Alejandra and I'm from Texas, im really excited on what the future holds for me as a future educator. I just had a few questions, how does one know if they're born to be teachers? How does one prepare themselfs to make sure the children don't know how scared we are inside on our first year? I honestly grew up wanting to be a teacher I looked up to many of my...
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