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Tue, Nov 14, 2017 9:34 PM in 4th Grade Science
I am facing the same issue! I think when i actually have my own classroom, I will make sure to include some type of long term, ongoing whole class science project, such as a small class garden right outside of the school. Im thinking about starting a small square foot garden, and having a classroom job that requires students to rotate tending to the plant and observing the changes. Gardens can rel...
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Tue, Nov 14, 2017 9:25 PM in Science Fair
This is an excellent question. In my experience, science is rarely taught at my Title I school, and is only focused on in fifth grade when its time for the fifth grade science STARR. I believe science fair activities are wonderful for elementary age students, as its sparks their creativity and curiosity. Science fairs are a fantastic way to incorporate long term inquiry based learning and deep exp...
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