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Beyond Paper and Pencil Assessments
Sun, Oct 05, 2014 6:23 PM
Beyond Paper and Pencil Assessments
Seeing as this article was dated October of 2000, there is still good information that can be taken from it. I think that the assessment examples are good starting points for teachers looking to break away from the easiness that is a paper and pencil test. The author correctly outlines the benefits of performance based assessments.
In Praise of Performance-Based Assessments
Sun, Oct 05, 2014 6:10 PM
Great Article and Resources
Much like Flynn, I have had the same experiences with Performance Based Assessments. When I started using them in my classroom, they changed not only the way that I viewed assessments, but the way that I look at classroom performance. This article is a great introduction and testimony to the power of using performance based assessments. The examples would also be great for a teacher to use who is just getting started using performance based assessments in their own classroom.
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