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Recent Reviews by Natasha
Sun, Nov 20, 2022 9:47 AM
Great for ELL Leaners
The title immediately drew me in because this type of learning is hands-on and can be used for a diverse group of ELL students with different sensory issues, or in general in could be used in an inclusive education classroom. This article is about defining and experiencing solids, liquids, and gases. It's a multimodal concept as well, which is very important. I like that the "Mystery Cannisters" section talks about having students sort the canisters into categories and label them because this is a math concept. "Windowpanes" uses a graphic organizer to introduce and develop vocabulary, which I think is a great tool. I like the idea of compare and contrast because I think it gives students a deeper understanding of a topic, which is what "Hardness Scale" discusses. "Bag-and-Tag Word Wall" is a strategy I never used in school, but after reading about it I think I will use it in my classroom. Not only is it visual, but it's an interactive visual. This article has many amazing strategies that will help ELL students learn vocabulary. I believe it also has the capability to increase confidence by having students be more present in their own learning. The authors also add visuals throughout the article with actual student work which is such a great thing to do. They also talk about how these can be used as formative and summative assessments. Although it's a very comprehensive article, I don't know that it explicitly addresses the 3Ds and NGSS standards.
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