• Amy George

    Amy George
    Science Teacher in Urban Public Schools

My NSTA / Peers / Amy George

I am in my 5th year of teaching science at in high needs, urban high schools in Dayton, Ohio. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology and was a process/quality engineer for 10 years. I am starting a new chapter teaching Physics abroad. That was awhile back! I have owned a makerspace in China for the last 6 years and offer professional development services to schools beginning or strengthening their STEAM programs. With the epidemic, I moved everything online. Going online had so many opportunities, but I also realized the new issues created for students beyond tech. I had so many students in the US who relied on school for meals, a safe space, and menstrual supplies. I started an NFT project https://overview.investinwomen.fi to fund sending free Goddess Boxes of reusable menstrual pads and educational materials to girls and the women who take care of them across the US. We're working on a pc learning game next.




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