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Recent Reviews by Mercedes
Wed, Apr 29, 2020 5:04 PM
Polar Bears
This lesson did a good job of laying out the 5E's right away. Under each phase is described what the students would be learning and doing that day. The activities provided in the lesson were both whole group and individual work. The lessons were all engaging for the students and many were hands-on. Other content areas were also incorporated into the lesson, such as writing. I really enjoyed the last phase, where students were paired up to create their own animal with some specific requirements. The students are able to use what they have learned and create an animal with adaptations to the given environment that it is in. This is a fun, engaging way to test the students knowledge and to have fun creating an imaginary animal.
Wed, Apr 29, 2020 4:58 PM
Food Safety
This informs students about food safety and what they can do to make sure illnesses do not spread. The lesson begins by talking about how when there is an outbreak, they track down the source as quickly as possible and how science has influenced their work. This lesson does a great job showing how the food makes its way from the farm to the plate. I think that this could be a great opportunity to take the students to visit a local farm so they can see where their food is coming from. Another great point talks about the importance of washing your hands and there are hands on activities that demonstrate the importance of hand washing. Before teaching this lesson, I think that the teacher should do more research as there is not much information given, but I do think that this is an important topic that students should know about as they may never talk about the illnesses they can get from food.
Wed, Apr 29, 2020 4:48 PM
This sounds like such a fun thing to do in the classroom. I like how they begin the lesson by reading a children's book, even though it may be below the students reading level. I think it is an exciting way to get students engaged for the upcoming activity and learning. I think it is important to note in this lesson that the teacher allows the students to guess how much popcorn would fill up the entire room and then getting the students to think about how might they actually figure the problem out without filling the classroom with popcorn. During this lesson students were able to figure out volume using math equations and then talk with other groups about similarities and differences between their answers. This is a great way to get the kids up and moving during the school day and maybe even reward them at the end with a popcorn party!
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