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Recent Reviews by Madison
Wed, Nov 20, 2019 7:24 PM
How do Animals Brush Their Teeth Review
From the articles and lessons I have read on here so far, I have not seen one that has the student do research on the topic! I loved how the students were able to make up their own kind of toothbrush for the animal they chose, either a Hippo or a Crocodile. When they were making their toothbrush, they were told they they had to use a material that they would actually find where those animals lived. That made this experience even more challenging for the students and it made it even more real! I loved how they connected to the students first (asking them about their teeth and brushing their teeth) and then moving onto a more abstract idea about how animals brush their teeth!
Wed, Nov 20, 2019 6:57 PM
Review of Living Organisms
I loved how this article gave different examples of how to expand students’ thinking on different misconceptions. It is important to find any misconceptions you can about a topic so you can address them and the students can work through their cognitive dissonance as a group and come to an answer based on mutual understanding of the concept. I also really liked how in the lesson, you were not just supposed to ignore a wrong answer, but simply ask the students what their evidence was for that claim. Loved that!
Wed, Nov 20, 2019 6:10 PM
Review of LEGO lesson
Within this article, the students were given a real-life example of trying to cross a river in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. I loved how this activity allowed the students to be creators and think through the problem as engineers. By making this into an engineer STEM lesson, the students were forced to be problem solvers and creative within their design. I also really enjoyed how they incorporated technology into the lesson. I have an educational technology minor and I love to see when this is done and how it is incorporated in a meaningful way. Those prototypes look like they would work very well within this authentic problem.
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