Pushes, Pulls, and Playgrounds
Mon, Apr 13, 2020 3:25 PM
Pushes, Pulls, and Playgrounds
I chose this article because the title was intriguing, and it gave an idea for a lesson plan. I learned that force and motion can be taught as early as kindergarten because children have a natural curiosity of the moving of objects. In kindergarten the TEK 112.11 (b) 6 D would be perfect for this article. It is about the movement an object has such as straight line, zig zag, up, down, and more. All of these movements were talked about in this article as they were observing different sports item. There was not anything in this article that I disagreed with or had questions about. It was written very well and really easy to understand. I thought this article gave great ideas of how to get students involved in the investigation of push and pull motions.