Organisms and their environment Collection
Mon, Mar 19, 2018 10:15 PM
Organisms and their Environment
Teaching students about the environment is fun yet challenging! The collection “Organisms and their Environment” helps teachers understand more about ecosystems and how to teach students about the environment. It also gives ideas on tools and activities that teachers can do with their students. The Interdependence of Life in this collection, is loaded with information on animals, ecosystems, and even how humans have an impact on the environment. It even poses questions that you can ask your students. It is never too early to teach about the environment and how humans, animals, vegetation, organisms and disasters can affect the environment and how it acts and changes. There is so much to teach when it comes to the environment and this collection has a variety of information to help plan, teach lessons and utilize as informational texts that students can refer too. This is a great collection to utilize for inquiry teaching on biomes, ecosystems, organisms, and human impact on the environment.