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Recent Posts by Ramon
Mon, Apr 13, 2015 1:08 PM in We need more time to teach Science
I find it to be ridiculous how short they allow teachers to teach science in elementary. They tend to focus mostly on either reading or math. Students don't really get to enjoy engaging in real scientific inquiry. They rarely do any experiments, and its mostly worksheets and taking down notes. It is really hard to create time for meaningful activities in science. It is often viewed as a secondary ...
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Mon, Apr 13, 2015 1:04 PM in Outdoor Activities
Going outdoors is extremely important for teaching science in a elementary level. Many teachers don't do any experiments that involve going outside because they are afraid of behavior problems. They also may be stressed out about an upcoming assessment. It isn't right to be robbing students from valuable experiences. Being able to go outside may help students deepen their understanding because the...
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- Reviews
Recent Reviews by Ramon
Matter Collection
Thu, Mar 12, 2015 3:58 PM
Great Collection
I really liked the collection of resources you have gathered about the subject of matter. Some of the resources are similar to ones I have in my collection. They include "Mighty Molecule Particles", and "The Early Years: Melting". You seem to have a very diverse collection about matter. I also like that you have keyed your collection down to strictly elementary science. These are all very useful resources that can be used as a teacher. Some of the articles and book chapters contain have some really great activities that can be done with the kids. Overall, I feel that you have created a collection of resources that will help serve you teaching matter in the future to your students.
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