Mon, Apr 17, 2017 4:22 PM in Parent Communication
As a student teacher i have the opportunity of observing many different teaching and classroom management styles. Of them all, I'v favored "classroom Dojo". The student's demeanor changes positively each time they hear a reward point ding on the computer. This is an app that the student's parents can tune into at any part of the day and see how their child is doing. They are able to see what class...
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Mon, Apr 17, 2017 4:17 PM in Classroom Management
What I've found useful during a highly interactive lesson with my kindergartners, is making the students understand that the activity is a privilege that can be taken away. Have a supplemental plan for students who fail to cooperate and follow expectations. have specific directions before every transition, so the students know what is expected of them before beginning the next activity. Most stud...
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Mon, Apr 17, 2017 4:11 PM in Garden Activities
This may be far fetched for some schools and grade levels, but my students maintain a classroom garden that consist of herbs. This is a great opportunity to introduce a lesson on agriculture. After the herbs have sprouted and ready to harvest, we use them in a chosen food dish. The students love the idea of growing and consuming their food.
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