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Wed, Feb 07, 2024 10:04 AM in Keeping students engaged through a screen
Hi everyone,
I am an education major at UTRGV, and I was a senior during covid when we all have to go electronic. For me, it was very hard to stay engaged, I would find myself sleeping during every class, but especially science since we would only read off the text book during class. Although I am sure the teacher was doing the best they could with the resources they had, I believe there...
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Wed, Feb 07, 2024 9:59 AM in Balancing school and work
Hi Lizabeth, I hope you were able to find your balance, I am currently looking for mine. I am a junior at UTRGV, and I work at a restaurant, where there is only 3 other people who can work my position, meaning I can't ask for more days off. But I have started to take more advantage of my day by starting to wake up early to catch up on homework instead of staying up late. Personally, seeing th...
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