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Tue, Sep 06, 2016 11:11 AM in Learning Center assistance for Education student
Hi, I'm a student at Central Michigan University going into Elementary Education. I'm currently working on an assignment about using the Learning Center as our E-Text. I need to talk with an online advisor and learn what they can do for me as a pre-service teacher using the Learning Center's resources. Thanks in advance for any advice you may have!
Travis VanWyck
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Recent Reviews by Travis
Earth, Sun, and Moon
Thu, Sep 08, 2016 8:41 PM
Earth, Sun, Moon
This SciPack really helps to demonstrate the correlation between the Earth, Sun and Moon. They are a very unique trio in our solar system, and this resource demonstrates and explains that very well. I think that this resource is very informational and provides many great interactive activities, which can be very beneficial for young students.
Science of Food Safety: Food Safety and You
Thu, Sep 08, 2016 8:26 PM
Science and Food Safety
This Science Object has some fantastic graphics and interactive objects that I can complete at my own pace to help me improve my understanding of food safety concepts. This Science Object was a great refresher for me about microbes and the role they play in food safety. This unit has some great graphics and interactive objects that help facilitate learning.
Force and Motion: Newton's First Law
Thu, Sep 08, 2016 7:51 PM
Newton's First Law
I really enjoyed this tutorial. I thought the interactive simulations were fun. I went through each of them a few times. I'm sure elementary students would enjoy them and find them helpful, also. Explanations in the tutorial really simplified concepts in ways that would be easily understandable for struggling students.
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