Thu, Dec 03, 2015 6:12 PM in Misconceptions
Hi Amy,
I am in a first grade class and one misconception I have seen in the students is about the rainbow. I've heard the students explain a rainbow and they always say, the reason why there is a rainbow is because it is reflecting from all the colors from the earth. I think this is a very common misconception, not only with younger students but even with some adults.
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Thu, Dec 03, 2015 6:09 PM in How to fit science in your schedule
I am also a student teacher, therefore I'm not exactly an experienced teacher to answer your question BUT I have noticed different ways my cooperating teachers have integrated science throughout the day. You're right, there are days where the students don't exactly focus on science because they simply don't have time but my teachers have found different ways to at least add a little bit of ...
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Thu, Dec 03, 2015 6:05 PM in Pinterest
I agree that pinterest is a good course! I find that it is better to use pinterest as a starting point rather than something you just use. Whenever I am stuck and can't come up with ideas, I scroll the pinterest it and it tends to spark ideas where I can then take that lesson or activity and modify to my own liking as well as my students!
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